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Take a Hike! Blog/Appalachian Trail Myths Audio Book is LIVE (2018-04-28)

Appalachian Trail Myths Audio Book is LIVE (2018-04-28)

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The audio book for Appalachian Trail Myths: The Ugalu & Pamola, is now live on Audible, and will soon be available on Amazon and iTunes, as well as other stores when I understand how to distribute it more widely.

It was a fun project, and now we're going to do Take a Hike! as well - it is already in production!


PS First week LIVE and we've already sold 300 copies!


Hi I'm Paddler

Also goes by the alias... Tim Hewitt

I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail in 1999 from Georgia to Maine.

I wrote a book about my trip, which is available here as well as on all of the normal book sellers.

My 13 year old son "Spotted Bear" joined me for 5 weeks on the trip, and his journal is also shared in my book!